PicoSure™ (Rejuvenation, Hyperpigmentation, Melasm)

PicoSure™ is the only proven laser that treats all skin types including blacks. For hyperpigmentation, melasma, lentigines, photo rejuvenation, acne scars, wrinkles and tattoo removal. Perpetual Beauty and Wellness now provides this breakthrough technology to remove unwanted pigment, as well a treatment for wrinkles and acne scars. You will be able to achieve a more youthful appearance without the typical discomfort and downtime with PicoSure®.

PicoSure Pro gently delivers short bursts of energy to target problem areas.

It focuses on your problem areas:

  • Brown spots;
  • Sun damage;
  • Freckles;
  • Pigmented lesions;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Acne scars.

Unlike lasers in the past that relied on intense heat energy which caused pain and led to significant skin redness and downtime, this gentler treatment provides impressive results without the associated discomfort and downtime of traditional lasers.